No matter if you have the newest and greatest vehicle on the market, or you have an older model, you will need to do vehicle maintenance on a regular basis. Not only does this include oil changes and tyre rotations, but also occasional inspections to ensure that everything is working at peak levels of performance. This not only allows you to make sure things are working well, but it also allows you to discover hidden issues that will potentially worsen with time. We recommend that you have your car serviced at least once a year, or every 10,000 kilometres— whichever comes first.
Cap Auto Repairs offers all routine vehicle maintenance you need and logbook servicing, so we can help you make sure your car is always working in tip top shape. You don’t want to leave things to chance. Our inspections and maintenance services are quick and affordable when you need it, so you can get on with your day. We strive to ensure that every customer feels like they are important, and we treat everyone with the same level of respect, no matter the service requested or type of vehicle. You can rest assured that when you call Cap Auto Repairs, you will receive professional and courteous services that you can count on. If you haven’t had your car serviced in a while,
give us a call and make an appointment to have yours taken care of today.